Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 It has been a whole month since I have written, I was getting discouraged with the house training of two pups, when the weather got so bitter cold. It was really hard to stand out there to encourage them to go. It is a little easier now that we don't feel like we are living in the north pole. Just seemed like I was cold all the time. Spring needs to come soon. Cleaning the dog yard was quite a chore when it was so cold. Surprisingly the pups are house training, they have learned the words go out to potty. I can't believe that they are five months old. They have learned to sit on command, it is really cute, you tell them to sit and they both sit at the same time. They know come pretty well and now we really need to start walking on lead. It is a lot of work to train two litter mates. It is much easier to work with one puppy. I am looking forward to another litter, hopefully in the spring and that will be a year since my last litter. I had promised myself a break from puppies for a year. Taking on two pups changed things a little, not the same as having a litter but the work was close. I have enjoyed these two pups,  watching them grow and develop. Skye has been a help with keeping them busy, she loves to play with the pups. I am really looking forward to getting all the agility equipment set up and getting the dogs out to run and play. They won't forget what they learned last year. Dogs are so smart and really do remember what you teach them. 

It was a little milder today and I did the snow blowing for the snow that we got last night. I felt so good to get out in the fresh air and do a little work.This is what the dogs need too. The snow from the plow is piled up so high that we can't get to the agility yard. I know the dogs would love to run in the snow. Just need to get through March and then we should be all set. I have had the time to groom everyone and get their nails cut and feet trimmed. Hopefully when it is milder I can think about baths for everyone.

When Quinn has  her pups I am hoping that there will be a tri color male. With Walter being sterile I do need a new stud dog.

Well I guess that is all for now. I do need to make an effort to keep the blog up. 

Take care everyone and be well!!

Angus and Maisie


Saturday, January 29, 2022


 The two pups that I am growing out are doing very well. They have learned lets go out and they follow me right to the side door and out into the little pen. They are pretty smart little ones. Although Angus is growing like a weed. I hope that he does not get too big to be my next stud dog. It is iffy right now but I should know more by six months. If he is oversize then he will most likely be over as an adult. I will have to find him a nice home if that happens. If his growth slows down between 4 and 6 months then he may stay in size. His sister Maisie is well in size and being a girl she will be fine. They learned sit very quickly and pop right down when I ask them. Next is the leash training. With this weather we will have to do the training in the living room. Actually it is the room where the pups are born and there is plenty of room for training. They are all excited when they come in from going potty they are very excited and do zoomies around the room So fun to watch them.House training in this weather is not fun at all and sometimes when it is below zero in the morning no one wants to go out. These two are so brave and go right out and take care of things. I am so pleased with these two pups, they are so pretty and so smart. Their pedigree is one I have wanted to incorporate in my line for a long time. I wish this winter could have been a little milder so they could have some outside time, but just too cold. In fact all the dogs need more exercise. They do play some in the fenced yard off the house but the snow makes it difficult, although they love the snow.

I am ready for spring, as I sit here and watch the snow blowing around. Fingers crossed that I don't lose power. I do have a generator but it is not easy to start. Although I do always get it going. Don't leave your dogs out too long, it is way too cold.

Everyone be safe and warm.

Angus and Maisie

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 This past Sunday was one of those days when things went wrong. Rosie started to have seizures and I have no idea what brought them on. My dogs have never had a seizure so I had no idea what we were in for. They  started out mildly and progressed to the grand mal seizure. Rosie was terrified and so was I. I kept thinking that they would stop  and after the last one at 11:30 pm she did stop. But that was the worst one. I don't ever want to see a seizure like that again.

First thing in the morning I called my vet and she got us right in before appointments started. Thankfully Rosie did not have another seizure after the one at 11:30. She definitely was disoriented and not herself, and exhausted. I was exhausted also.The vet did some neurological testing and thankfully that was normal. So she was put on medication. I hate the thought of using phenobarbital but it does keep her from having seizures. Rosie is with me every minute, still a little disoriented but seems ok as long as she can stay with me.

What a miserable and scary day. In all my years of raising dogs I have never been through anything like this. Nor have any of my dogs. 

Rosie and I are resting today. She is still a little wobbly but doing ok. We are going to take a nap this afternoon. Rosies body has been through a lot. And she seems to know it. For seizures to start in a 10 year old dog is a bit unusual. 

The dogs can only go out today to potty and come right back in. It is so cold out there that it hurts to breathe. And their feet start to freeze if outside too long. So quick in and out. Right now at almost noon time it is zero out there.

I am raising two pups, a brother and sister, they are now 12 weeks old and keep me very busy. They are house training pretty  well. Just the cold makes it too hard, but they just run and play. Angus brought in a huge icicle. He was having so much fun. He brought it in with him and it was so funny to watch him as it melted. Since my Walter has gone sterile, I have hopes that Angus will take over as our stud dog. He has a beautiful pedigree. I have high hopes but we have to see how he grows. 

Hopefully 2022 goes better than it started out.

                   Angus with my granddaughter, she is a huge dog lover!


 Rosie was very much her old self this morning. After two days of medication she feels better. She does not seem to be wobbly at all. I am so thankful that the medication worked for her. It was eight below this morning at 5am. Skye is the only dog who does not mind the bitter cold. She loves to play catch me if you can. Her feet don't seem to get cold the way the others do. Even the 12 week old pups, run out and do what they have to and are back at the door very quickly. Not even picking up icicles enticed them. They are so smart. I can see that we really need to work on come. Usually I can say front which Skye does very well and she will come and sit front. But not this morning. She was running and teasing me and get just close enough that I could not grab her. Finally a handful of kibble lured her in. We are starting her training course with Susan Garrett and COME will be the very first thing that we will work on. Skye enjoys working so I think the course will be very successful. She is a very different little dog with her nurturing of Rosie after she had a seizure. She just wanted to take care of Rosie. I am thinking that she may be a good mother some day. The others would just stare at Rosie and knew that something was wrong and could not figure out what was happening.  Since we were up before 5 this morning, breakfast is finished and everyone has been out and now back in and sleeping in their favorite spots. I am going to organize and clean the office today, especially as it is the favorite sleeping place for most of the dogs.  A very quiet, unexciting day will be welcome here. If it could warm up just a little, I would be very happy. We have had enough excitement to last for us for quite awhile.      



Saturday, December 18, 2021


 I can't believe that I have not written in almost two months. So much going on with the dogs. My Rosie was not feeling well and pretty lethargic. She would not touch food which is very unusual for her. She normally is a chow hound.I decided to give her one night and see how she was in the morning.She was a little better but not herself. I took her to the vet and she was completely checked out, more blood work and xrays of the abdomen and chest cavity. All appeared to be well. The blood work did show that she was fighting an infection somewhere. I took her home with an antibiotic, thinking it may be her teeth. It is a real battle to clean her teeth. Teeth are very important and an infected tooth could cause many problems. She is on the antibiotic for a total of three weeks and then we will do more blood work to see what is going on and if she is not fighting an infection we will know that it was her teeth causing the problem. Rosie's kidneys are good as she came through the spay without any problems. So she should come through a dental with out problems. I am nervous about it as back in March my 11 year old Keeper had a dental and did not wake up from the anesthesia and his blood work was good. Maybe a reaction to the anesthesia. Nothing showed up in the autopsy so we will never know for sure. It was so sad and a shock. I am nervous about Rosie having the dental but it may be necessary. 

On another note I went to visit a friends litter, they have a pedigree that is something that I really want to incorporate into my line. I purchased a lovely sable boy and a lovely sable girl. It was a beautiful litter and I am thrilled to have two pups to grow out that may be stunning adults. I am looking forward to another litter of my  own. It has been seven months since my last litter so spring will be a really good time to have pups. I a going to breed my blue girl, Quinn to Charlie a lovely sable male that I co-own with a friend. He is also the sire of the two pups that I recently purchased.   House training is a challenge with two pups but we are getting there. My granddaughter is coming to visit and we will take some nice Christmas pictures of all the dogs, it should be a fun time for all of us.

I hope to do better with the blog in the future. Living with 6 adults and 2 pups can be pretty challenging. But it is also a lot of fun and a lot of work, but so rewarding.

Skye is now a year old and I plan to spend time training her this winter. We got started outside before the weather got too cold. So now we will work indoors and concentrate on obedience and fun games. They learn so quickly when they have fun. I am using Susan Garrett's on line program called Recallers part of her "Say yes" training program. I have had a lot of success with this program and I am looking forward to success with Skye. Skye loves to work!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!Enjoy your Shelties. They are your best friends!


Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for all the wonderful families that have given my pups such wonderful and loving homes. I enjoy all the pictures that have been sent. November 22 was the first birthday for many of my pups. That was the haredest litter that I have had and for Bonnie also. She is not a large Sheltie but she gave birth to 11 pups. I think that must be a record. It was the start of feeding round the clock for several of the babies, Bonnie and I were able to raise 9 pups. She was overwhelmed but she had 9 beautiful pups. I had little sleep for two or  more weeks as there were two pups that needed so much help. One was Owen, who I gave to a friend of mine and he is a stunning, friendly boy, worth all the hard work. The other one who needed so much help was Skye, the only girl out of the nine pups. I worked so hard with her. She crashed a couple of times but I was able to keep her going. She is now an energetic, beautiful girl, worth all the work.I have seen pictures of all the pups except for Hersey, maybe I will get one soon. 

Bonnie was spayed, as it was a hard time for her and she was so overwhelmed. I promised  myself a year with no pups. I am totally rested and hopefully have a litter in the spring. It will be a year. 

I am also thankful for my family and good friends. And my dogs have kept me going and I am so thankful for them. Lots to do with caring for them but they are my family and I would be lost without them. 

We all have so much to be thankful for in our lives. Give your shelties  a hug and be thankful for the the joy they bring into your lives.

Happy Thanksgiving  

Sunday, October 31, 2021


Happy Halloween everyone. Hope all the kids have fun and will be safe,. And maybe the rain will stop in time for trick or treat! 

The 6 year old female is no longer available. For now she is staying in her home. There are times that it is just too difficult to make the decision to re home an adult dog. They take longer to adjust and you just plain worry too much about them.

It does take a long time to get the perfect situation for them and even with that you worry about them. I hope to never have to place an adult again. I only have two seniors here, lost two to illness the past few months. Hopefully my two will stay healthy and be with me for many more years. 

I have been 6 months without puppies and I do miss having them even though it is a lot of work, stress and lack of sleep,they are still missed. I plan to have pups in the spring. I will be breeding Quinn this winter and hopefully pups in May. Time will tell. In the meantime I am working with Skye, she is Bonnie's daughter and we have a few issues to work out. She is a smart girl and improving. We will be doing "Say Yes "dog training on line this winter. It is a great course for any type of problem the dog may have. They learn through games and they just love it. Games are fun for them and before you know it they have accomplished what you want. Skye should be well along in her training by spring. 

On a sad note Walter is no longer producing pups. He went sterile last summer and does not seem to be recovering. He is on special food and vitamins and we are hoping that this might reverse. But it is doubtful.

I will do some of this training with Walter and Bonnie, they both need a good reminder course. 

Hope that you all have a fun and safe Halloween. I don't get trick or treaters here so I don't have to worry about a dog slipping out the door. Be careful with your dogs.

♥ Sheltie punkin.png