Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I just spent the last 20 minutes writing all about going up to Illusion Farm to help with whelping a litter of pups. Well the post just disappeared and here I go again. The lady taking care of the farm needed some help with one of the girls who was about to whelp. It is always less nerve wracking to have someone with you through the whelping process. I took care of my dogs, got the puppies all set with extra food and water as I knew that I might be late. I arrived about one thirty in the afternoon and Deana had been in labor for awhile. We sat down to await the arrival of the first pup. Finally the puppy appeared and as soon as mom finished with him we started to dry him and shake the mucous out so that normal breathing could start. Unfortunately this little guy was not breathing and probably had passed awhile ago, probably it was too long before he was born. Always sad to start with losing a puppy. As the afternoon went by six more pups were born and we were kept busy with drying pups and shaking out the mucous to get them breathing well. Finally by six pm all seemed well and I knew I had to go and take care of my dogs. In every whelping you learn something new, just with raising dogs there is always something new coming up, you never know everything and so many things change. Each litter presents something you never saw before, a learning experience for sure. You always feel good when things go smoothly and the pups are doing well. 
I arrived home close to 8 pm and had a bunch of hungry dogs. They had been so good, no accidents, of course the younger ones were crated. I got busy and fed everyone and got them out to exercise, let the pups run in the kitchen as they were confined all day.
Minnie and Coco are the two pups waiting for their homes to be ready for them. They are like twins, just little differences. They love each other and will miss each other. Minnie is going this weekend and Coco the following. I have become very attached to them but they really are ready to have their own home and people. They are smart little girls and so much fun. I will miss them. But I will feel better knowing they will get what I can't give them now. My Shelties need my time and attention.
Finally the agility area is dry and the grass is cut and I can get everyone out to run and really stretch their legs. They need to do the zoomies, which I love to watch. They run circles and go as fast as they can, they just love to run all out.
I may be showing Walter next month so I need to get busy with working with him. It has been such a long winter and wet spring that he has not been out so need to start going places. He had lots of socializing and classes as a pup. He should be ok. I have been working on his coat and it is looking good. 
Well time for breakfast for the kids and they are being very patient this morning. Sometimes they are very naughty but often surprise me and are very good. They usually are not patient dogs but this morning they have surprised me. 
Shelties are so intuitive and so special.

Friday, May 17, 2019


Well here it is ten days since I have written. I have been busy with the dogs, lots of grooming to get caught up and doing well with it. Three puppies have gone to their new homes. Two pups still here until the end of the month. They get lots of play time and attention. They are at the age that they need this. The two little girls, Minnie and Coco are bonding with each other. They are so cute and look like twins, exactly the same size.
Went to help a friend whelp a litter yesterday. Did not get home until almost 8 last night. 
The dogs were really good, waiting for their dinner and no accidents in the house. My little cat Girly, did not know why I was gone for so long. She was sitting in the middle of the kitchen table when I came in. She was thrilled to get her dinner. Even cats like their routine.
I have been working in the dog yard getting it ready for fresh stones, it has been a couple of years or more and they really need refreshing. I was not planning on rain today. Guess I can get the rest of the toenails cut and grooming done.
The other morning I was sitting looking at my emails, all the dogs were in with me. It had been very quiet for awhile so I decided I had better take a look and see what was going on. Well I had a bunch of bananas on the table and each dog had a banana or a piece of banana or skin and they were having a feast. Topaz is my table thief, they must have been just close enough for her to reach. I couldn't believe it, a brand new bunch too. My dogs love bananas but I usually only give them small pieces and never any skin. Hopefully they would digest the skin ok and they did, no one had any digestive issues at all. Learned my lesson, no food at all to be left on the table. Once I got over the shock of seeing my bananas gone from the table it was really funny to watch them chowing down. I tried to take them away but it was useless so I just let them finish.
My Shelties certainly keep me on my toes. They keep me going and laughing and I could not live without them.

Minnie at four weeks, sound asleep!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Seems like I can not keep up this blog. Two of the pups have gone to their new homes and I will keep in touch to be sure that they are adjusting and doing well. It is hard to let them go but to be honest, taking care of three pups is a little easier. The little boy will be going to his home next Monday. That will leave me Minnie and Cocoa for the next three weeks. As far as care this will be easier but much harder to try not to get attached to these pups. They will have each other for company and I will start a little training with them. I will get them outside when there is a nice day. Will teach them to sit and let them drag a leash around to get used to it.
I know that they will bond with me but once with their new owners they will adjust. Minnie is my favorite, full of personality and vinegar. She is an extremely talkative little girl.
I had thought to work outside again today but the weather is looking like rain. So I think I will do some brushing and nail cutting. The senior dogs nails grow so fast, seems like you cut them and in a week or so they a long again. My seniors are so good, no problems with cutting nails, except of course for Rosie, she is very determined that I will not cut her nails. Such a strong willed little girl. She is still teasing me about being pregnant, one day I think she is for sure and the next day I don't know. Guess all I can do is wait. Two more weeks and we will know one way or the other. I would love to have a Rosie daughter, if she is expecting this is her last time and even if she is not, I will not breed her again. She will be spayed and have her teeth cleaned. I always have both done together as she only has to go under anesthesia one time.
I have a couple of adults that do not like puppies so when the pups are out running the kitchen these seniors are put in another room for a little while. Last night Cocoa was doing zoomies around the table, I have a round table so it is perfect for that. I have never seen such a little one go so fast, she was having a ball. You can't help but laugh, makes you feel so good.
It is really hard to have a litter and not keep a puppy but if Rosie gives me pups I know that I will keep one, unless all boys. I have to be careful to not have too many dogs, I need to be able to care for them all as they deserve and when there are too many it becomes hard. 
My Shelties are such good company, it could be very lonely since losing my husband but the Shelties fill my time and are always with me. I couldn't ask for more. 
Now that the weather is getting better I can get back to training outside and that is much more fun than training in the house. Sammy needs some basic obedience, he did not get that as a pup so we have a lot of catching up to do. I started Bonnie at eight weeks and we need to brush up on what she knows. She has not forgotten, one of the benefits of starting training at eight weeks.
My boys Walter and Sammy have been having some words lately, I know that Walter starts the conversation so I am concentrating on getting him to understand that he and Sammy have to get along. They are both intact so I know that is the problem and especially with Walter as he has to share his home and he thinks sharing is something he does not want to do. We are working it out and both a doing better. Sammy is tending to ignore Walter now and that is perfect. Walter can still be top dog but has to accept Sammy into the pack.
As they get out and get more exercise the problem will get better. I have found that tired dogs are good dogs, exercise is so important. This winter was hard on the dogs, no where to run, too much snow and ice. We all got cabin fever. Time for some fun in my fenced agility area. 
I need to pick up some Wondercide, it is a natural product for fleas and ticks, and it works, so much better than using the chemical spot on. Time to get this day started especially while the pups are sleeping. Once they wake all they want is out and they don't hesitate to let me know.


Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Pups are out of the pen and running in the kitchen, a good day for play. Not nice enough outside to get any work done and even though it is gray and gloomy the pups are full of vinegar and happy to play. They have two new toys and they just love them and fight over them. Not real fighting just tugging and trying to take the toy away from whoever has it. 
Tomorrow morning they will all get baths and then in the afternoon go for their health check and their shots. This will be their first car ride and hope they do well with it. Right at this moment they are running around the table as fast as they can go.  Hopefully they will get really tired and take a long nap this afternoon. Now that they have experienced freedom for the past couple of weeks that is all they want, run and play. Once the pen is cleaned and they go back for their lunch, the will cry, bark and howl, they don't want to be in there. 
They are ready for their new homes, time to bond with their new families. I will miss them, Topaz might at first but she is happy to be done with caring for them. Although right now she is up here playing with them. It took her awhile to learn to be a good Mom, and I bet her next litter way in the future, she will be an awesome Mom. The pups develop so fast, they are ready to learn things like sit and lie down, learning at this young age, 8 weeks they will remember forever. Their little brains are like sponges, they catch on so quickly and are so proud of themselves when they do get it. 
The next stage, eight weeks to sixteen weeks, their development is up to the new families.
This is the time that they need to be socialized as much as possible and as much as is safe and not overwhelming. You will find with giving the attention that is needed as this age you will have confident and happy young adults.
Time to clean the pen again and put the pups in for lunch and hopefully a nap! And maybe not!!
Here are a few photos you might enjoy!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


This morning due to the fact that I had to go for blood work early, really upset the routine for the dogs. They all went out at the same time as usual, around 6 am. Once they were all out I got the pups cleaned up and fed. I went to get the dogs and the young ones went back into their crates. They were confused but were good about going back. I tried to tell them it would only be for a short time and then we would have their cookies. My seniors all went back upstairs, expecting their morning treat, but no time for that. I could see the question on Keepers face, what is going on, this is not right. His eyes showed exactly what he was thinking. I did a quick handful of treats, that helped some. Brooke who always barks at me when I pick up my purse was quiet. I could see her saying, this is not right, its too early for you to be going out. Normally she gets quite rowdy when I leave, but this morning she was quiet as a mouse. My dogs are so into their routine, that when it changes they just don't know for sure what is going on or how to handle it. Their expressions go from questioning to comical. I would love to know just what they were thinking, and they do think. Don't ever think that they don't know how to think. I have watched them think things through and then make choices. Especially in agility training. There is the A frame with the tunnel right next to it. I would tell Jeep which obstacle to take and I could see him considering which was right, very tempting to take the wrong one when they are right next to each other. He always hesitated a moment and then made the right choice and took the correct obstacle. Keeper who does not like to go outside, always thinks about what I am asking. When it is raining he will look at me and I can see him saying "are you kidding me, I don't think so." 
They all have such different personalities but they all show me at times that they think. These Shelties are so intuitive, they seem to know my thoughts and they sure know my body language. It is past their breakfast time but they are all being good and waiting while I have my coffee. The minute I stand up from the computer they will be up and headed downstairs for breakfast.
Jeep is living with a friend of mine so that he can continue to work in agility. He is a fast dog and I am no longer able to keep up with him, actually it was always a challenge to keep up while he was running. 
I hope to continue with Bonnie's training in obedience, then go on to Rally, you can talk with your dog while competing and there is no running. Also Sammy needs some beginner obedience. So a busy spring coming up.
For now the puppies take up a lot of my time. They are most important as they are developing so fast. I want them to be able to handle the transition to their new homes without any problems. They are doing well.
The dogs have been so good waiting for breakfast that I need to stop writing for now and take care of them.

Monday, April 22, 2019


Last week was pretty busy, with  puppy people visiting and family visiting to see the pups too.
I could not squeeze out the time to write. Will try to make up for it this week. 
The pups are growing like weeds and personality is starting to blossom. They love running in the kitchen, I let them run a couple of times a day and then just before bed, they sleep really well. I am really pleased with the homes that each pup are going to. They will be well loved and cared for, exactly what you want for your babies and as they grow I am becoming more attached to all of them. Lots of work now but I am enjoying them so much.
Many chores to get caught up with and the weather is making it hard. I have hay in my dog yard to help with the mud but with so much rain even the hay is soaked and needs to be raked out. I will get a start on that this morning. I also need to make another dump run. Not my favorite job. Will get to that soon so I can get that crossed off the list.
I think I may need to buy some floor decking that is used outside to keep the dogs off the ground, they will need that until things dry up. Sure is not looking very dry this upcoming week.
Groomed two dogs over the weekend and need to get the rest of the seniors finished up. I will do that gradually this week. 
Now that the snow is finally gone the yard is a mess. It snowed early last fall before we could get all the leaves cleaned up. So now double work. I do have someone who will help me with this. Thankfully it is not all up to me.
There is now standing water in the agility area and once that goes I will be able to get the dogs out so they can really run and stretch their legs. Always something to keep them from running
It is a lot of work socializing the pups alone, Len used to help me with that. He loved to take pups on the couch with him. 
A nice Easter day for us. The dogs and I watched the movie Jesus of Nazareth and it sure brings back the meaning of life. Always good to reflect on that. I am thankful for every day that I can get up and take care of my animals.
So many thoughts today but really need to get going on my list of chores and getting the dump run done is priority.
Also puppy pictures need to be updated.
To me Easter is a renewal and time to move forward!
Wishing a good week for all of you!


Friday, April 12, 2019


Pups moved to the kitchen. Now they are more involved with the daily routine and confusion. I have two small puppy beds that I put in their pen, they are so cute, three in one bed and two in the other and they keep the beds clean.  At first Topaz would run to the other room where they used to be, she is realizing they have moved. Topaz slept in her own kennel last night and that worked out well. I fed the pups at 8 just before bed and then Topaz fed them before I took her to her crate. She still woke up early but not barking as frantically as before. They all go out together which is much easier. While they are out I go clean pups and make their breakfast. They all pooped in one spot which is so easy. They caught on to the beds so quickly. After the pups are fed and all set I make my coffee. Then everyone comes up for our coffee hour. A little bit of normalcy is back. The visiting girls are gone and two less sure helps with the work.
My drive ways are clear, even though my training area is not, I will start with some basic obedience with Sammy. He had come here for me to work with his ears, as they had fallen down, I do have them up and tipped, all the hair shaved off and hopefully they will strengthen. It is so much better to work with ears when the pups are young and teething. I can hope but it is hard to say if they will come back. If not he won't be able to be shown but he sure can do performance, starting with obedience, beginner obedience is something all dogs should go through. Makes them easier to live with when they know their boundary's. Also helps with bonding and confidence building. Bonnie started at 8 weeks and remembers most of it. Walter went through two puppy classes for basic obedience. He also remembers this early training. When Walter is mature with full coat we will give the show ring a shot and see what happens.He is a lovely boy and maybe we can even get a handler for him. I would love to see him successful in the shows. Time will tell.
I will get some photos of the pups running in the kitchen and using their tunnel.
The dogs have been so good this morning, sometimes they get into trouble, but today very good.
Time for their breakfast, and their clocks have not gone off yet. Peaceful until I say the word!
I think I will just enjoy a few more minutes of peace.