Sunday, November 20, 2022


 Maggie is here and all settled in. Now that we are ready for the pups time seems to drag. Her first due date is the 23rd and her temperature is started down which is one of the first signs.  I am really hoping for the pups to arrive on Thanksgiving day, as I will have help here, which is always nice. At this point mother nature is in charge. So we wait and watch. The other dogs don't show any interest but when the pups start to come they will be curious and will have to stay out of the whelping room. I do hope that this wind dies down soon, the dogs really don't like the noise that it makes. They don't mind the cold, just the noise. They will be having their supper soon and will go back out for a few minutes. Other than the noise from the wind it has been a nice quiet Sunday afternoon. No doubt that winter is here. I was  hoping that it would wait until after Thanksgiving.

My whelping room is very warm, and a heating pad and a heat lamp keep the pups nice and toasty. New babies need to be kept at about 85 degrees as they don't regulate their  body temperature for about two weeks or a little more.

The enlargement of my dog yard is finished and it is wonderful for the dogs. The first snow last week they ran and ran and chased and jumped over each other. They were having a blast. 

It was so much fun to watch them having fun. They keep the joy in your life. 

 Hope that you all have a Happy Thanksgiving, with good food, family and friends.


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