Thursday, June 8, 2023


 Waiting is over. Quinn started labor around 4 pm Monday afternoon. By 7 pm she was in regular labor, water broke and I was awaiting the first puppy. The first usually comes a short while after the water breaks. By 8 pm labor was strong but no signs of a puppy. I got out my book by Myra Savant Harris to read about difficulties in whelping.I was not ready for any problems with heading into the late night hours. There were different maneuvers that I could do, the Woods Maneuver, the wheel barrow maneuver, This opens some space in the pelvic area so the puppy can pass through. Also walking her and walking her up and down stairs. Finally did some massage on the rectal floor. As the puppy was lying beneath that. Well 10:30 rolled around and I was getting worried.  I called a friend for more suggestions but I had pretty much exhausted the suggestions. I decided that I would try a few more things that Myra suggested. By then I could feel the puppy was there, I did some massage on the perinium and all of a sudden there was a nose. I was able to reach the shoulders and help the pup down. He was out. It was midnight, it took 5 hours and I was very determined to not to have to do a c section.  Lots of vanilla ice cream to keep the contractions going. I could feel the puppy, it was another big one. alive and some movement. Since the first pup finally came I did not have to do quite so much work. It took two hours but finally I was able to get a hold of it. It was tight but I was able to  help him slide out. Another 12 ounce puppy, 12 ounces is large for a newborn Sheltie. Not too bad only 2 hours since the frist one, it was 2 am and I was tired and so was Quinn, she did a lot of pushing, she was such a good girl. I got her up, took her out and walked her some. Started contractions then. It was 10 minutes after 3am. I caught  the pup on her way down. Still 12 ounces but much easier. I think that with the lubrication and massage it helped to get some movement.I did not think that there were anymore but I stayed up until 5 to be sure all was ok.She was resting and pups were trying to nurse and soon she was closing her eyes. I did go lie down for about an hour and then checked on her and the pups. She was laying there pups were nursing and she was cleaning. I needed to clean her up also. All that time for three pups but I thought that first one might have been stuck. I believe it was and I was amazed he was delivered alive.Truly a miracle.

Now I really do need a break from another litter, hopefully 8 to 12 months before that happens again.  

Pictures soon!

Sunday, June 4, 2023


 I am still waiting for the unplanned litter of pups to arrive. They are actually due today but Quinn has been showing signs of giving birth during the past couple of days. She sure is keeping me guessing. She has rounded out so I know that there are pups there just waiting to come. The sire is Flash, my little tri boy. He bred Quinn when he was 9 months old. I have never had such a young male interested in the girls before, let alone interested in breeding. Well he had more interest that I was not aware of. In all my years of breeding Shelties I never had a male ready to breed at such a young age. But I learn something new every day of raising shelties.  So from now on my young girls when they come into heat will be separated from all the other dogs. Although Flash is my oldest boy now at  12 months. My other sable male is Dodger but at 4 months I really don't believe that there will be an issue. But I will never take a chance again, now that I know that it can happen I will be very careful. I am sure Quinn helped helped him along too as when she is in heat she is quite the hussy. So now I am waiting for an unplanned litter. But it could be very nice as I purchased Flash for his pedigree and for breeding. 

I found a wonderful home for Bobby. I was growing him out with his brother Dodger and since Dodger was a little smaller I decided to keep him and I am thrilled that I did. We started beginner agility yesterday and Dodger handled everything beautifully. Being in a new building at first overwhelmed him but then in a few minutes it was all old hat for him. He is going to be an awesome agility dog for sure. I just hope that I will be able to keep up with him.But the main thing for getting out of the house for class is that we meet new people and new dogs. Very good socializing for Dodger. 

Feels like winter out there and everything is too wet to use the agility equipment. So we wait for the sun. Something else to wait for. We will practice in the house as best we can. It is so nice to have something to look forward too. I was up at 4 checking on Quinn and of course the others all wanted to go out too. So out we went. Once everyone finished their potty we came in for early coffee. Very early, 4:30am. This will be a very long day. A nap is in order as I will need to check on Quinn during the late night hours.

Once the puppies arrive we will get back to normal sleeping hours, just a normal check on the pups to be sure all is going well and that everyone is gaining. Normal sleep will be wonderful. You don't realize the work involved in making sure pups are doing, well, eating well,checking their weight to be sure they are gaining. Making sure that mom is making them poop and pee and that is important. As they need stimulation from mom to get these functions working. So much to keep an eye on. These babies are a miracle of life and will someday be awesome family companions.A huge responsibility for 8 full weeks. And lots of waiting on the stages of growth and development.

Well I need to check on Quinn again., This whole day will be a day of waiting and sleeping. I hope she decides to deliver soon.


                                                                       The sire FLASH

Sunday, May 28, 2023


 I finally made the decision between Bobby and Dodger. I have decided to keep Dodger as there is just something that pulls at my heart. But so hard. When I got a message from Jo about one of the pups I knew that I had been guided in the right direction. She has given Bobby a wonderful home. He is going to train for therapy and what a wonderful, fulfilling life for him and for her. I am so pleased. He has been in his new home for two weeks now and has settled in perfectly. He and Dodger were very bonded but they both are doing well in their new situation. Dodger and I will be going to a beginner agility fundamentals class. I am looking forward to that. I have not been to a class since last fall with Zoe. I am really ready to go back. Dodger loves to get outside and work. He so wants to please. The first class is June 3rd and Quinn is due June 4th. A friend is staying with Quinn so I don't have to miss the first class. Hopefully she will wait until June 4th or a little later. I am looking forward to her blue and tri litter. I have not had a blue litter in a long time. Quinn has had two litters with her previous owner so this is new for me. I hope that she is an easy whelper and a good mother. But knowing her temperament that is so sweet I think she will be a great mom. She has been getting me up at 4:30 to go potty. She is having trouble holding it during the night. I think she is just getting me ready for the early hours of puppy birth. I did not plan this litter. I really wanted to wait a year so that I was plenty rested and ready for pups again. But my boy Flash decided differently. He was only 9 months and I have never had a boy interested in breeding at such a young age. Well I sure did learn something. I now need to separate the young boys from the girls when they are in heat. I am always learning something when it comes to raising Shelties. After 40 years there is always something new. My Shelties really do keep me going. Never a dull moment. Lots of laughs and yes lots of frustration. Now that Flash is a sire he has decided that he is in charge of the pack, and Zoe and Bonnie disagree. Bonnie has always been in charge. Then Zoe decided to take over and they have had a few words over it. Zoe finally made it clear that she is in charge and Bonnie backed down.Zoe is a pretty little sable girl. She is 13 1/2 inches but tough.  There is a stud dog coming up from W.Va. to visit a friend and if Zoe does come into heat I will breed her to him. That should be a very nice litter and mostly sable. At this point the timing is iffy as I really don't know that Zoe will be in heat then. There are time that I feel like giving up breeding and just enjoy my dogs. But having a litter is so awesome. To just see the miracle of life is amazing. To watch these babies develop and grow is such a marvelous thing to watch.So I probably won't give up yet but I can see in the next year or two that I will stop breeding. Lots of work and responsibility with caring for these little miracles. Then finding homes that will care the same as I do is a lot of work. I have been very fortunate and thankful for the homes that I have found. Many wonderful , caring people have puppies of mine. I try to breed the best possible pups, healthy and quality pups that make awesome family companions. Sorry it has been so long since writing on my blog. 

All for now.



Thursday, April 27, 2023


I had made my choice of pups, the bigger sable male, very pretty and had it all together. I loved the smaller sable male too. But I had a nice home for him. But unfortunately the older dog in the home was very uncomfortable with the puppy. So this little guy came back to me. Now I have to rethink everything. I love the big boy but he may be too big for show, only time will tell with that. I really like the smaller boy also. So I have decided to wait until they are four months old and make a decision. I will take measurements and the one who is closest to being in size will probably be the one to stay. At four months their whole series of shots and Rabies shots will be complete. One of them will be ready to go to a new home. I want a home that will be the best choice for him. If it is the smaller boy I want a home that he will stay in permanently. It was a bit traumatic for him to come back. But he did settle right in. If I let the smaller boy go he will need someone who will do obedience or agility with him. He is  very active and loves to run and play. He is also quite the retriever.  The bigger boy loves to play too but not quite as quick as the smaller boy, he also loves retrieving. He has the temperament to be a therapy dog. So I hope that I can reach a decision by May 25 when they will be 16 weeks.I would love to keep both of them but it is not fair to them. They both need my time and it is hard to train two litter mates at the same time.I have raised litter mates before but it is difficult. It is better for each pup to have their own person. I want the best possible home for my pup. Someone who has the time to spend with  him and do some training with him.  A fenced yard would be good. I want someone who is not gone from home all day. Guess I am looking for the perfect home for one of my boys. I have four weeks to make my decision. They are very pretty pups and I will have pictures soon. I will be working with both of them during those four weeks.

I mentioned them here as someone may know who has the perfect home for him.They are AKC registered and have very nice lines.

Their price is $2500. All their shots will be done, distemper, and Rabies. Each time they go in for their shots they get a physical  exam. They are fully guaranteed. Their parents have been completely tested through Animal Genetics for any inherited Sheltie disease. They are clear of all. So the pups are clear due to parentage.

Once I have made my decision I will post here and on my website.

I am happy to answer any questions about my boys.

Spring is finally here and I am so ready to have winter gone. It was a long had winter for me and for the dogs. The sunshine is so welcome.


  Sire of the pups!


Friday, March 10, 2023


The first pup has been chosen by the little girl who so impressed me. She has been studying the Sheltie for some time and now is the time she actually gets a puppy. She picked the female, all the rest of the pups are boys. Which I had hoped for but I sure don't know which one I want to keep. Being Skyes pups and Gibbs pups it is a line that I would like to keep. Skye had her litter by c section and had to be spayed at the same time. She will not be a mother again. It is too bad as she was such a good mom and she still cares for her pups at five weeks.I hope to put time into training her and just enjoying her as she is a character. Her pups have great temperaments, they are tail waggers so far and like attention. And they are pretty, I am very pleased with the pups. So I have 2 sable males and 2 biblack males and I just can't decide which pup I want to keep. I do want a show prospect so I am looking at those attributes that make a nice show dog. A dog that could be competitive. I don't want to do a lot of showing, but even for a little you have to have a competitive dog and one who enjoys being out around people. A couple more weeks I can measure for height and that will help with my decision. Aside from a decision I will enjoy them while they are here. They grow up so fast.

I am going to take a long break before another littter. It will probably be in the fall or even later. Another decision. Once I am done with puppies I will enjoy a full nights sleep. I need to get caught up and when the pups go I will be able to do that. I have some wonderful homes for my pups and that makes me feel so good to know that they will be loved and well cared for.

I do need to get moving this morning. Lots of chores with the dogs, and pups to socialize.

I am so thinking spring and I am sure that you all are too. But unfortunately more snow coming next week.



Monday, February 20, 2023


Well I don't even know where to start. After two litters of pups with first time moms, there was alot to keep an eye on. Getting up several times during the night to take moms out and check on the babies.Needless to say I got pretty tired. Interrupted sleep can wear you out pretty quickly. Also trying to answer all inquiries on time and letting people know that there were not enough pups for everyone. I may change my way of taking names and wait until it is closer to the time for pups to go. That way I will know what I have available and will not be getting everyone's hopes up for a puppy. So many people are looking for Sheltie pups and there are just not enough pups and breeders around. I think it will be a good idea to make up an application and many questions can be answered at the get go.

I don't know how much longer I will be breeding but I want to keep things fair for everyone and an application should help with that. I will keep a file with applications and will go through them and ask who is still interested at that time. I want to make it so that people are not waiting weeks to see what I have. I won't be taking a list. I will just chose the application that meets all the criteria for my pups to go to new homes. Will see how it goes. 

My next litter will be Quinn's litter and she is still not in heat so I don't know when she will have pups. I have a feeling it is going to be awhile before she has pups. This will most likely be her last litter.

This gives me time to spend time with my other dogs and start classes with some of the young ones.

I keep thinking that spring is here and now another storm on the horizon. I wish it would stop teasing us. I still have a good 8 or more inches on the ground from the last big storm, which I guess that everyone did not have. The dogs do love the fresh snow. Wish I had their enthusiasm for the snow that they have. 

Well I went to a Sheltie club meeting yesterday and did enjoy it other than the long drive. But it is good for me to keep up my driving skills since I don't often go far. It was good to see old friends!

Take care and be safe when this next storm hits. Maybe we will be lucky and it will miss us. 

Give your shelties a hug and treasure every minute with them. they have such short lives.💝💝💝



Monday, January 9, 2023


 This is will be a short post. I am doing well just too busy. I have a litter of pups and in a couple of weeks they wil be ready to go. I have had a visiting girl for breeding and a visiting stud dog for this girl. So with two extra dogs in my pack and a litter of five pups there is so much to do. Plus my seven need attention and care. Then the holidays and Christmas weekend and New Years weekend with no power. Even with the generator there are many things that I can' run, but I can keep the heat lamp going for the pups. Pups need extra heat as they don't regulate their body temperature until they are about  2+ weeks. So heat lamps are very  necessary. Pups are now 6 weeks and ready to  go to the vet on the 23rd of January. They played in the kitchen yesterday and had a blast with being able to run full speed. It is so good for them. They have also learned to stand on the table and be brushed. Now at 6 weeks it is almost constant cleanup.

Thank you to those of you who wondered how I am doing. I had to go to Arundel Maine to pick up the stud dog and after 20 days I had to rreturn him. His owner Lynn Baker was very generous in letting me use her dog. Eventually Flash will be my stud but he is only 7 months so has a ways to go.

All is well here, just very busy with keeping everything going and the occasional snow to shovel. My New Years Resolution is to keep the blog up. Hopefully I can do that. 

Hope you all have a blessed and happy New Year.