Tuesday, December 19, 2023


No Excuses, just plain too busy. A litter due, a new blue puppy to join the family.Hopefully a second litter due the end of the month. Maggie's pups were born Dec. 14th. Whelping went well and pups are all doing good. Maggie had quite a litter, 9 pups, 6 girls and 3 boys. All Bi black and Tri color. Not what I was expecting for sure. They are all doing well, pretty much eat in shifts. It seems to work well. I am supplementing the smallest of the pups, there are three little ones , they nurse well but I am supplementing as a little extra nutrition will help.

I am up a minimum of three times a night to check. I have the baby monitor on so I hear every thing.I will be glad when my sleep is no longer interrupted. When my other dogs come in I take Maggie out of her whelping box as she tends to just jump up when the other dogs come into the house. But they have to have their house time and time with me.

Now Christmas is almost here and I have so much to catch up with. Mostly wrapping which is not especially fun.But I have to get it done. I spend some time just sitting and watching this little miracle. Maggie is doing well, she makes sure that they get fed at regular times. She is such a good mom. I just wish she would sleep through the night. The puppies have grown some already. It is amazing to see. In a couple of weeks they will hear and start to see a little, the whole process really is a miracle.

Hope you all have a very Happy Holiday season and a Healthy New Year.

I know it just looks like a pile of puppies and that is exactly what they are. I call it pig piling, they all get together for comfort and warmth. They love to feel close to one another.



                                    MERRY CHRISTMAS

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