Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Organic garlic for your pet?

To use garlic as a supplement or not? Just had a discussion with a couple of breeders and they said they felt garlic was toxic to dogs and should not be used as a supplement.
I have been using Springtime organic garlic for several months for my dogs and have had no fleas, no ticks and other bugs seem to stay away. I had always believed that garlic was good for the immune system. Not wanting to cause illness in my dogs I contacted an herbalist and asked the question about garlic supplementation. . This herbalist said that garlic has been used for thousands of years to cure many ailments. Juliette Levy was one of the first to practice holistic medicine in animals and she often used garlic.
I did some research on quality dog food brands and many of them list garlic as an ingredient. So until I can do more research I will continue to supplement with garlic, but will use a smaller dose than recommended on the container. It has been wonderful not having any ticks on my dogs this year. If any of you have any experience with garlic supplementation with your animals please let me know the outcome.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Agility creates bonding with your dog!

Agility is a sport for dogs and people. The bond that is created by working in agility is amazing. You and your dog are learning to do new things together, you are meeting new people, new dogs and becoming familiar with new equipment. You are learning to work together, you run together, you do different movements, such as crosses, rear cross, front cross and blind cross. These crosses are done with many of the obstacles and are used so that as soon as your dog does the obstacle, you and your dog are headed in the correct direction to take the next obstacle. You need to practice these crosses time and time again. Your dog relies on you to send him to the correct obstacle so you need to be confident with what you are doing. The dogs can read your body language so well and pick up on every little move. You will begin to learn to read your dog too. You will almost be able to tell what he is thinking and know how to direct him. Your dog comes to rely on you and you need to be confident and in charge. You will be amazed how close you and your dog become when learning agility. It is a fabulous sport and most all dogs love it. My Shelties know when we are leaving the house for agility class.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Animal Wellness

Coming soon a new Animal Wellness brochure. Are you interested in Reiki for your animals, naturtherapy, homeotherapy, herbal supplements and many more natural remedies. Claire Horne offers many animal healing services. She will soon be adding to this blog for the benefit of animals in need.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Agility Fun: Agility Fun: Agility Equipment

Agility Fun: Agility Fun: Agility Equipment Visit my new agility shop

Agility Fun: Agility Equipment

Agility Fun: Agility Equipment

Visit my new agility shop where you will find everything to fill your agility needs. The equipment is affordable and great for practice in your back yard. We also have equipment for competition and it is great for practice also, as practicing on competition equipment will get you ready to compete in the trials. We strive for 100% customer satisfaction. We refund fully all purchases that you are not happy with, less the shipping. We have placed paypal on our new site for your shopping convenience. Many have purchased our equipment and love it. The competition jump is especially popular. The cup holders for the bars are spaced every two inches and you do not have to move them, just place the bar where you want it.
So come to ALL DOGS AGILITY SHOP for your next piece of equipment.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Agility Equipment

Agility equipment for the beginner or advanced. Equipment in your back yard makes it easy to practice and practice makes perfect. Have fun in your own yard or prepare for competition.
Contact the below email address for a free catalog of equipment that you can afford. Email this address