Saturday, December 18, 2021


 I can't believe that I have not written in almost two months. So much going on with the dogs. My Rosie was not feeling well and pretty lethargic. She would not touch food which is very unusual for her. She normally is a chow hound.I decided to give her one night and see how she was in the morning.She was a little better but not herself. I took her to the vet and she was completely checked out, more blood work and xrays of the abdomen and chest cavity. All appeared to be well. The blood work did show that she was fighting an infection somewhere. I took her home with an antibiotic, thinking it may be her teeth. It is a real battle to clean her teeth. Teeth are very important and an infected tooth could cause many problems. She is on the antibiotic for a total of three weeks and then we will do more blood work to see what is going on and if she is not fighting an infection we will know that it was her teeth causing the problem. Rosie's kidneys are good as she came through the spay without any problems. So she should come through a dental with out problems. I am nervous about it as back in March my 11 year old Keeper had a dental and did not wake up from the anesthesia and his blood work was good. Maybe a reaction to the anesthesia. Nothing showed up in the autopsy so we will never know for sure. It was so sad and a shock. I am nervous about Rosie having the dental but it may be necessary. 

On another note I went to visit a friends litter, they have a pedigree that is something that I really want to incorporate into my line. I purchased a lovely sable boy and a lovely sable girl. It was a beautiful litter and I am thrilled to have two pups to grow out that may be stunning adults. I am looking forward to another litter of my  own. It has been seven months since my last litter so spring will be a really good time to have pups. I a going to breed my blue girl, Quinn to Charlie a lovely sable male that I co-own with a friend. He is also the sire of the two pups that I recently purchased.   House training is a challenge with two pups but we are getting there. My granddaughter is coming to visit and we will take some nice Christmas pictures of all the dogs, it should be a fun time for all of us.

I hope to do better with the blog in the future. Living with 6 adults and 2 pups can be pretty challenging. But it is also a lot of fun and a lot of work, but so rewarding.

Skye is now a year old and I plan to spend time training her this winter. We got started outside before the weather got too cold. So now we will work indoors and concentrate on obedience and fun games. They learn so quickly when they have fun. I am using Susan Garrett's on line program called Recallers part of her "Say yes" training program. I have had a lot of success with this program and I am looking forward to success with Skye. Skye loves to work!

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!Enjoy your Shelties. They are your best friends!