Thursday, June 8, 2023


 Waiting is over. Quinn started labor around 4 pm Monday afternoon. By 7 pm she was in regular labor, water broke and I was awaiting the first puppy. The first usually comes a short while after the water breaks. By 8 pm labor was strong but no signs of a puppy. I got out my book by Myra Savant Harris to read about difficulties in whelping.I was not ready for any problems with heading into the late night hours. There were different maneuvers that I could do, the Woods Maneuver, the wheel barrow maneuver, This opens some space in the pelvic area so the puppy can pass through. Also walking her and walking her up and down stairs. Finally did some massage on the rectal floor. As the puppy was lying beneath that. Well 10:30 rolled around and I was getting worried.  I called a friend for more suggestions but I had pretty much exhausted the suggestions. I decided that I would try a few more things that Myra suggested. By then I could feel the puppy was there, I did some massage on the perinium and all of a sudden there was a nose. I was able to reach the shoulders and help the pup down. He was out. It was midnight, it took 5 hours and I was very determined to not to have to do a c section.  Lots of vanilla ice cream to keep the contractions going. I could feel the puppy, it was another big one. alive and some movement. Since the first pup finally came I did not have to do quite so much work. It took two hours but finally I was able to get a hold of it. It was tight but I was able to  help him slide out. Another 12 ounce puppy, 12 ounces is large for a newborn Sheltie. Not too bad only 2 hours since the frist one, it was 2 am and I was tired and so was Quinn, she did a lot of pushing, she was such a good girl. I got her up, took her out and walked her some. Started contractions then. It was 10 minutes after 3am. I caught  the pup on her way down. Still 12 ounces but much easier. I think that with the lubrication and massage it helped to get some movement.I did not think that there were anymore but I stayed up until 5 to be sure all was ok.She was resting and pups were trying to nurse and soon she was closing her eyes. I did go lie down for about an hour and then checked on her and the pups. She was laying there pups were nursing and she was cleaning. I needed to clean her up also. All that time for three pups but I thought that first one might have been stuck. I believe it was and I was amazed he was delivered alive.Truly a miracle.

Now I really do need a break from another litter, hopefully 8 to 12 months before that happens again.  

Pictures soon!

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