Friday, March 10, 2023


The first pup has been chosen by the little girl who so impressed me. She has been studying the Sheltie for some time and now is the time she actually gets a puppy. She picked the female, all the rest of the pups are boys. Which I had hoped for but I sure don't know which one I want to keep. Being Skyes pups and Gibbs pups it is a line that I would like to keep. Skye had her litter by c section and had to be spayed at the same time. She will not be a mother again. It is too bad as she was such a good mom and she still cares for her pups at five weeks.I hope to put time into training her and just enjoying her as she is a character. Her pups have great temperaments, they are tail waggers so far and like attention. And they are pretty, I am very pleased with the pups. So I have 2 sable males and 2 biblack males and I just can't decide which pup I want to keep. I do want a show prospect so I am looking at those attributes that make a nice show dog. A dog that could be competitive. I don't want to do a lot of showing, but even for a little you have to have a competitive dog and one who enjoys being out around people. A couple more weeks I can measure for height and that will help with my decision. Aside from a decision I will enjoy them while they are here. They grow up so fast.

I am going to take a long break before another littter. It will probably be in the fall or even later. Another decision. Once I am done with puppies I will enjoy a full nights sleep. I need to get caught up and when the pups go I will be able to do that. I have some wonderful homes for my pups and that makes me feel so good to know that they will be loved and well cared for.

I do need to get moving this morning. Lots of chores with the dogs, and pups to socialize.

I am so thinking spring and I am sure that you all are too. But unfortunately more snow coming next week.



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